Daily Blogging As a Spiritual Practice

This is it, day 1 of the Blogathon and already some emotional stuff is coming up. Mostly around letting go.

#1) I won’t be able to spend a lot of time editing my posts because I have committed to one post everyday.

– Practice of just being with what is and not having to be perfect.

#2) Each post will only have top spot for one day before it is buried beneath a new post, even if I really, really love it and want it to keep top-billing.

-Practice of trusting that the right people will see the right posts and I don’t have to control everything.

#3) My creativity will have to be disciplined because to make this work I will post even when I don’t want to.

– Practice of self-discipline (one of the most important of all spiritual practices).

Lots of letting go and practice here.

Everything we do has the capacity to show us who we really are. And this is showing me I’m still a control freak, perfectionist who wants to be the best and has a hard time letting go.


So, I’m going to let go and get this posted so I can start my tomorrow’s post today and make it really, really good.


  1. Ava Diamond (@feistywoman)Sunday, May 2, 2010 at 1:19 am 

    I love this post, Alexis. Thanks for challenging me to join you, but as a blogger for only one day, that was pushing the envelope a bit for me. Next year, though, I'm in. I think my commitment for this year will be to read all 30 of your posts…I'm sure I'll learn a lot…and I'll be here to cheer you on!

  2. nancymyrlandSunday, May 2, 2010 at 1:49 am 

    Go Alexis! You have more good thoughts running around in your head than most people, so committing them to paper…no, keyboard…is just a formality, right!? I look forward to what you have to say! 🙂

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