Do I really want to keep focusing on saving you money on your taxes?

I’ve invested HOURS planning for my tax-savings call tomorrow.

And I’ve got to be honest, I’m definitely questioning where this insistence I have on staying focused here comes from. Do I REALLY care MOST about helping you save money on your taxes? Is this really the highest value I can be bringing you in the world?

Yes, it’s important.  Yes, I’m very well suited to talk to you about tax stuff in a way you can digest, act on and implement. And I do have a knack for making this kind of stuff feel yummy.  But, is it keeping me from my Zone of Genius?  Or am I here?

I’m in the inquiry.  And the night before my call when I’m tired is not the right time to make any long-term decisions.  But, I also can’t promise I’ll do this call again next year. So, if you think you might want it, register for it here.  And, if you have ideas or thoughts for me about this, put em in the comments. I listen.


  1. Rebecca M. YoungThursday, November 1, 2012 at 1:57 am 

    I heard your call today and am registered for tomorrow’s.  I can see why you’re asking yourself this question.  And while you’re of course wise to not make any long-term decisions when you’re tired, I think you’re onto something.  The fact that you can deliver a lot of value on tomorrow’s call doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s the best investment *for you* of your limited time.  And while I’m eager for the tax advice, I suspect this is not your Great Work.  Since you asked for thoughts or ideas, if you’re wanting to continue delivering value in this area, maybe create an info product and be done with it.  Save your energy, creativity, and juice for something more in alignment with You.

  2. Samantha FlickTuesday, December 4, 2012 at 6:08 am 

    Helping people figure out how to ‘play the [money] game’ is an important part of attracting the right people to come into power in our society as it stands.  Love and support, always, always, always. <3

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