Will Fresh, Real Food Become Hard to Get In the New Economy?

There are some parts of the new economy that I’m super excited about, such as the work that people like my client Renata is doing as a Collaborative Economy Catalyst.

There are other parts, I’m not so excited about.

Yesterday, our local Whole Foods was out of fresh spinach.
None.  Out.

When I posted about it on the Facebook a friend mentioned that his local Whole Foods has been running out of kale.  And later, another friend mentioned her Whole Foods, across the country from mine, was out of spinach too.

This is bad news my friends.  And something I’ve been worried about for some time.

It’s why I wanted to build my farm into a consistent source of local food for my family. Little did I know that it would be so difficult to make that a reality and there was a lot I didn’t know about how to do it that ultimately crashed the venture. (More about that some time when I have lots of time to write.)

Now that I’ve moved into town and away from the farm, I quite often feel scared that it will become difficult to get access to the food I want my family eating — non-GMO, fresh, clean food.

So, here’s what I’m going to do about it.  My friend Tera Warner is hosting a 32-week program called Healthy Homesteader, and I’m joining it.  If you want to do it with me, here’s the link.

I’m committed to figuring out how to make this work while living the urban lifestyle.  My hope is that I’m not going to sign up for this and then not do it because I’ve typically been resistant to taking time out of my life to do programs that don’t have to do with business.

But, I’m really serious about making sure my family has fresh, real food to eat, no matter how expensive or difficult it becomes to get in the store.

For inspiration, I’ve been checking out the Bathroom Farmer.  I don’t have a bathroom big enough to make this a reality, but I do have a little porch off my bedroom that I’ve been dreaming about turning into a greenhouse.

Here’s the thing you have to know about me.  This is SO unlike me. Moving to the farm was an exercise in facing my biggest fears, letting go of everything and learning about who I really am.  While I learned a huge amount about myself, it didn’t turn me into the domestic diva.

I can barely even prepare breakfast for my kids in the morning.

And yet there’s some part of me that yearns for this. Self-sufficiency.  The ability to grow and prepare healthy food for myself and my family.

So I’m going for it because I know that it’s my growth edge.  Knowing how to make money is great for our now economy, but in the new economy, learning how to “live with the seasons, find your food & medicine in the forest and thrive on whole foods and a natural lifestyle” maybe a whole lot more important.

Join me? Do it here.  Use this link — it’s my affiliate link – and email me your receipt after you do at [email protected] and I’ll give you membership in my member’s only Facebook group for living an Eyes Wide Open life and having an Eyes Wide Open business so we can stay connected through our experience in the course.

What are you doing to make sure you, your family, friends and community has access to fresh, clean food no matter what happens in our grocery stores? Please share in the comments.  I asked this question on Facebook and found out about the Bathroom Farmer. What resources can you share?


  1. Jeremy Mathias BennettSaturday, January 26, 2013 at 12:02 am 

    Awesome! Great Post A

  2. Jeremy Mathias BennettSaturday, January 26, 2013 at 12:03 am 

    Awesome Ali – 

  3. JengaynorSunday, February 10, 2013 at 6:42 pm 

    Perhaps “Personal Farmer” will become a new job description in the new paradigm. Just a thought 🙂

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