Deep Abiding Trust … Burning Man 2010

I left for Burning Man this year with an intention … deep abiding trust.  And yet as I landed in Reno, I didn’t feel full of trust.  I felt worried and tense, on edge.

My first year there without the kids and up until a couple of months before I thought I was going to Burning Man to party it up.  To revel in the shadow.

And then I met Russell.  Well, I didn’t just meet him; we’ve known each other for a few years.   But, I just met him in a new way a couple months ago after Dave and I broke up.

Oddly enough, we had all been at Burning Man together two years ago – me, my kids, my ex-husband Todd, Dave, and Russell.  Back then, I thought Russell was a nice guy and all, but not for me.

I mean he plays an instrument called the didgeridoo for God’s sake.  (Now, I see what an incredible instrument of healing it is; but then, I just thought it was weird.)

Anyway, I went to Burning Man with Russell and I wasn’t feeling trust.  I was feeling tense.

I felt as if I wouldn’t have enough.  My body felt like it was in survival mode, preparing for a week in the desert with only what I could carry on my back.  Oh right, it was doing that.

I was worried about running out of food.  I was worried about not being able to be my fully expressed self.  I was worried about Russell holding me back. What it would be like at camp – this year we were camping with people I highly respected in the business community – Joe Polish, Eben Pagan, Bryan Franklin, Cameron Herold, Michael Ellsberg, Lisa and Michael Sasevich – and I was worried about that too.

And as we got closer my intention began to seep in.  Deep abiding trust.  What would happen if I just stopped worrying?  If I let go and really trusted completely?

So I did.

And guess what?  Shit still happened.

We got to Burning Man late Monday night, scoped out what we thought was the PRIMO spot, parked and went to sleep.

We awoke in the morning to annoyed people wanting us to move the RV.  I was immediately tense and on-guard.

Thank God Russell is a modern day shaman and within minutes he brought me to clarity,  presence and back to deep abiding trust.

As we moved our RV we discovered that our camp had saved us an even better spot than the one we scoped out and it all worked out perfectly.  Until we went to plug the RV into the bio-diesel-fueled generators our camp had running.

I was back in the bedroom and heard a big POP.  I looked around the door and there was smoke pouring out of the refrigerator vent.  Uh-oh, that’s NOT something you want to see on the first day of Burning Man.

Within minutes it was clear that we had no air-conditioning, no refrigerator, no water pump and no lights.

Really uh-oh.

But not really uh-oh.  I saw it so clearly.  An opportunity to practice my intention.  Deep abiding trust.  And I did.

Miraculously two men appeared, Eric and Jeff, our saviors.  They spent the entire day and much of the next several days ensuring our RV had as much services as possible.

They managed to get us back to water pump, refrigeration, and lights for most of the time we were there (just a few hours the first and second day without).

And we lived without the AC (the weather was just perfect for that this year – no duststorms all week until Saturday and not too hot at all).

It all unfolded perfectly.  As it always does when we trust.

The first couple of days there we didn’t leave the RV much.  We spent a lot of time sleeping and loving and just being together without a timeline.  And it was great.  Just what I needed.  I didn’t mind a bit that I wasn’t out partying.

Shocking.  Deep abiding trust.

On our second night at the Burn, we woke up at 3am, spent about 2 hours getting ready to go out (because that’s just inevitably what it takes on the playa), getting our bikes lit (and by the time that happened it was of course light out), and we headed out onto the playa.

We biked out to the Temple.

Now, before I tell you what happened.  I have to tell you this – 2 days before Burning Man I saw a dress in a store in Boulder and thought “I’m marrying Russell in that dress” and bought it and brought it with me to Burning Man.

That morning at the Temple, he asked me to marry him.

And I said yes!

Within a few hours, an engagement ceremony had been suggested, which then quickly turned into a wedding ceremony.

And in the most extreme practice of my intention of deep abiding trust, we got married surrounded by our beautiful, supportive, loving Burning Man community.

Two of my best girlfriends Joanne and Lisa were there and two new sisters Meghna and Kamala.  I felt so deeply loved and held and supported.

Hitch walked me down the aisle.  And led by one of Russell’s dear spirit brother’s Scott, surrounded by our sweet Burning Man community, we wed.

We wed!  Married.


What does this mean?  How will we tell our families? How will I tell Dave?  Todd?  THE KIDS??? You.

And Russell loved me through it, my fear.  He has showed me how to be with my truth in the boldest of ways.  How to say yes to my yes and yes to my no.  How to know the difference.

He has shown me how to let go of “what will people think” and start living the life I really want.

How to feel into my heart to determine what’s real for me.

How to get beyond doing things because I want to look good, get a certain kind of attention or be thought of in a specific way.

He helped me see my fears of not having enough food, not being able to be myself, being held back and all the others came from a feeling that I wasn’t enough.

As I “burned” (through those fears), he helped me see that who I am is enough – just as I am, without needing to do anything – ahhhh.  Really? I can just be who I am and that is enough?

He has guided me to integrate this awakening that began a few years ago and has been bubbling up under my skin so that it has felt uncomfortable when I’ve been anything less than my full self.

Integration.  Deep abiding trust.  Letting go.  Living my truth.  Without shame.

Since I met Russell a few years ago, his number has been in my phone under the name Russell Love.  Now I know why.  Meet my husband.

Deep abiding trust and building an extraordinary life … we’re going for it!


  1. ShellyFriday, September 10, 2010 at 6:01 am 

    Wow… Congratulations! Wishing you lots of happiness! and bravo for going for it!


  2. AnonymousFriday, September 10, 2010 at 6:31 am 

    You are fully supported in your deep trust, Alexis. It’s only with the heart that we truly see.
    Much love to you and your new (for this lifetime) union.
    With gratitude,

  3. FrancisFriday, September 10, 2010 at 6:45 am 

    Wow. Now I’m really sorry we didn’t connect in Boulder. It would have been good to see you beaming. Big congratulations! And nice clothes you found for Russell 😉

  4. Ali GraceFriday, September 10, 2010 at 7:14 am 

    I smiled through this entire post….and the chills began just a few lines in…knowing Russell and his magical heart centered abilities (he is such a good man that many are soon to know- so excited about his upcoming book launch with his beautiful bride at his side- so perfect!) to help one out of their ego driven, tense filled fears that we all have…and yet keep us from the very things we desire so deeply within our soul….I know you have truly met your life long partner who helped you see so quickly the TRUTH of who you are and allowed you to BE exactly what you needed to be…what a story you have only just begun. I wish you so many loving blessings and look forward to the adventure that I do hope you will allow your community share and partake in…because isn’t that what we all want? That truth-filled unconditional LOVE to bask in with all of those in our sphere of light? You have created the NEW Modern Day Marriage in just about every way! Thank you for sharing your soul in such a beautiful, grounded Goddess way! Congratulations to you both! I just LOVE LOVE stories!

    Blessed Be,

  5. Michael BryantFriday, September 10, 2010 at 9:17 am 


  6. RachelleFriday, September 10, 2010 at 4:28 pm 

    Not to mention how lovely and BEAUTIFUL the ceremony was! Wow – gorgeous soles uniting. Honored to have witnessed!

  7. NooneFriday, September 10, 2010 at 4:53 pm 


  8. GeminiFriday, September 10, 2010 at 5:05 pm 

    Tears of joy, honor and respect while reading this. Such an incredible journey. Such wonderful light. I’m sure you will both continue to be rewarded for making the choice to follow the highest path of all: love, love and love. In all its greatness. Sending you both blessings for a bright, beautiful and incredible life together bound and bonded in divine love.

    ~ Gemini

  9. Alexandria ZechFriday, September 10, 2010 at 6:41 pm 

    AMAZING. Inspiring and with tears of total joy for the both of you , I say YES! Congrats! And thank you for sharing this deeply intimate and personal experience!

  10. Bob GowerFriday, September 10, 2010 at 9:53 pm 

    What a beautiful and inspiring event. Thank you for one of the best Burning Man memories I have. I look forward to getting to know you both. And I’ll be in Boulder from 9/20-9/25!


  11. AsweethelloFriday, September 10, 2010 at 10:32 pm 

    🙂 Be happy!

  12. Lisa HinesFriday, September 10, 2010 at 11:07 pm 

    WAaaaa—–HOOOOOoooooo! Wow, what a terrific story of leaping, of being bold, and living la vida loca!

    Makes me realize I need a vacation.

  13. SlasdowFriday, September 10, 2010 at 11:10 pm 

    wow! amazing story. much love to you and your family. xoxoSunita

  14. Therese SkellyFriday, September 10, 2010 at 11:13 pm 

    Wow…you are living life my beautiful friend!
    Thanks for sharing the journey and for being so beautifully expressed.
    Enjoy your time as a newlywed!
    (and post more pics!!)

  15. Christiane HolbrookFriday, September 10, 2010 at 11:13 pm 


    wonderful news! What courage!…and your writing…truly guided. Thank you.
    Love Christiane

  16. Danielle LaPorteFriday, September 10, 2010 at 11:22 pm 

    wowowowowowwow! so wildly happy for you!

  17. Danielle LaPorteFriday, September 10, 2010 at 11:23 pm 

    wowowowowowwow! so wildly happy for you!

  18. CaresourceFriday, September 10, 2010 at 11:26 pm 

    Whoa girl.

  19. KirinFriday, September 10, 2010 at 11:29 pm 

    Wow! Congratulations!

    But I do know that you can have a deep and long lasting relationship with someone you KNOW is right for you….but technically you haven’t had much time to get to know. My husband and I knew on our 1st date (we had only met 2 days earlier) that we wanted a spring wedding. 1 month later I got a ring, and 8 months later we were married. We’ll celebrate our 15th anniversary in March. And every day he still makes my heart skip a beat.

    So it is possible. Best wishes to you Alexis! MUAH!


  20. JulietFriday, September 10, 2010 at 11:38 pm 

    Amazing. You are truly following the flow, being vulnerable and trusting in self. Best Wishes,

  21. AnonymousFriday, September 10, 2010 at 11:40 pm 


  22. ManishaThakorFriday, September 10, 2010 at 11:43 pm 

    OMG – Congratulations!!!!!! Wishing you & Russell peace, joy, and love times a bazillion 🙂

  23. JenniferFriday, September 10, 2010 at 11:45 pm 

    I have goosebumps just reading this. You are an inspiration to authentic and passionate living. Congratulations – on every piece of it!

  24. TanishaFriday, September 10, 2010 at 11:59 pm 

    I can totally relate to what you are saying and I am so happy for you, that you have found the freedom to just be you, I am so very happy for you. I really enjoyed reading this post. Congratulations to you and your family.

  25. HillarySaturday, September 11, 2010 at 12:14 am 

    Alexis what an amazing story. How magical and real. You were destined to find your perfect mate and when it happens it takes you to wild places. Love that you guys compliment one another and have fun dancing this dance of love. Filled with so much joy for you both…

  26. KeyLegalValSaturday, September 11, 2010 at 1:29 am 

    Congratulations! My in-laws knew on their first date that they would wed and were married 6 weeks later. They were married for the rest of their lives. When you know, you know. You give me hope that I will trust again and find a great guy to support me. You GROW girl!!!

  27. MikiSaturday, September 11, 2010 at 1:46 am 

    Congrats to you both! Russell is an amazing man & I am so glad he found his amazing Goddess! (PS Isn’t he the best coach ever?)

  28. Tell MikhailaSaturday, September 11, 2010 at 1:53 am 

    What an amazing story. When you get into alignment with your true nature, magical things can happen and happen fast.

    Many blessings on your union,

  29. GlennenSaturday, September 11, 2010 at 2:05 am 

    Congratulations! Much happiness to you!

  30. Karen TalaveraSaturday, September 11, 2010 at 2:30 am 

    WOW! That’s some vintage Burning Man living if I ever heard any. And I’m diggin’ your dress! Congratulations on what surely seems like a soul partnership.

    I want what you’re having, and then some!

    P.S. I now feel more boring and risk-averse than my Happy Days-era parents. Thanks for the inspiration to get further out on the limb.

  31. Karen TalaveraSaturday, September 11, 2010 at 2:32 am 

    Oh, and didgeridoos ROCK! (I know, I have one, but suck at playing it)

  32. KyraSaturday, September 11, 2010 at 3:27 am 

    O.M.G.! Wow. Speechless. Happy for you. Much love to you both.


  33. Leanne RSaturday, September 11, 2010 at 4:16 am 

    Wow, I was not expecting that! Congratulations, Alexis – I wish you much happiness. Good luck with telling everyone!

  34. NicoleSaturday, September 11, 2010 at 5:18 am 

    I love the picture of you two. It has such beautiful energy in it. Congratulations.

  35. Karen JSaturday, September 11, 2010 at 7:49 am 


    Bright beautiful Blessings to you both!


  36. AnneSaturday, September 11, 2010 at 11:30 am 

    Congratulations, love and ongoing wedded bliss to both of you. I am moved and inspired by your earnest seeker self evolving and settling for nothing less than an extraordinary life – a woman after my own heart (I just agreed to meet a man I hardly know and go sailing for a month on a gorgeous sailboat). Love to you both, Anne (Coach Paradise) Plus I love the digeridoo (sp?) – from the bowels of the earth

  37. Skye KingSaturday, September 11, 2010 at 1:25 pm 

    Alexis!!!! Oh My Go….d!
    That is incredible!

    To have such faith from spirit is gorgeous! Congrats lady friend and a big burst of stellar dust exploding in the stratosphere for you both…sounds PERFECTLY AMAZING!

    I know those moments, the faint whisper in the ear, ‘that is the dress you are going to get married in.’ Mine was, ‘this is the perfect place to have a child,’ and it happened with our daughter Luminous, high in the mountains she was conceived.

    There have been other moments that have transported me to another space all together and brought on inspirational shifts.

    A HUGE hug to the both of you!

    Deborah Skye

  38. NancyMarmolejoSaturday, September 11, 2010 at 2:15 pm 

    Congratulations Alexis and Russell!
    I had just written a post on transparency in business and who’s doing it well… you were mentioned in that post regarding how you publicly handled your breakup with Dave so well. Guess there will have to be a part 2 to the post as this news comes as a surprise for many!

    Blessings to you both.

  39. Scott SmeesterSaturday, September 11, 2010 at 2:20 pm 

    All emotion. No logic.

  40. CameronSaturday, September 11, 2010 at 7:24 pm 

    This was one of the most incredible events I’ve ever witnessed. So intensely beautiful. And a fantastic Dust Storm at the same time).

    (I’m the guy in the background wearing the Tuxedo Tails, Top Hat & Red Striped pants).

  41. Gloria Perez-WalkerSaturday, September 11, 2010 at 7:32 pm 

    *This* is why you appeared in my dream last week. Omg you were on my mind that day because I’d gotten a newsletter, and all of a sudden you were in my crazy dream that night and had a newborn baby. (Named Paolo, by the way, lol..) Congratulations!!!! Good luck, much love, best of wishes!!!

  42. Adryenn AshleySunday, September 12, 2010 at 2:04 am 

    Congratulations! I get it. Clarity. Certainty. When you feel that, there is no stopping!

  43. Tia SinghSunday, September 12, 2010 at 7:08 am 

    OMG!!! How awesome!!! I love stories like this – the world can change in an instant hey! CONGRATS to you both lovely lady!! Woohoo!!!

  44. Tia SinghSunday, September 12, 2010 at 7:08 am 

    OMG!!! How awesome!!! I love stories like this – the world can change in an instant hey! CONGRATS to you both lovely lady!! Woohoo!!!

  45. Katherine LiaSunday, September 12, 2010 at 3:28 pm 

    You describe the new world of unconditional love that is here for us all. Your experience is beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing the journey. I send many blessings from my heart to both.of your hearts.
    ~Love Katherine Lia

  46. Tambra HarckSunday, September 12, 2010 at 9:52 pm 

    Small, small world. I met Russell several years ago when we were each hired as guest teachers at a training retreat. During his healing session with the trainers, the group sat on a grassy hill, under the shade of oak trees – and to begin, he played his didgeridoo.

    To discover that you two know each other, and more… well, I do love the interwoven connection we have to one another.

    Blessings to you both as you embark on this unfolding journey, and in marriage.

  47. SmelnickSunday, September 12, 2010 at 10:43 pm 

    Wishing you the best of everything!

  48. Donna VailMonday, September 13, 2010 at 1:34 pm 

    You simply amaze me! Wishing you and Russell a continual flow of that magical love as you two grow together and share every day wonderful.

  49. molly hallMonday, September 13, 2010 at 7:19 pm 

    congrats, Alexis!! A beautiful, inspiring story.

  50. Naomi NilesTuesday, September 14, 2010 at 5:27 pm 

    Wow, congrats!!! 🙂

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