Over the past 6 years, I’ve been intensely focused on how to make great money while offering my Great Work to the world without being a slave to my business.
I wasn’t always successful. Along the way, I built a couple million dollar businesses (1 online/1 offline) and another couple smaller 6-figure online businesses.
While that sounds like I was successful, quite often I found myself giving up my life and pieces of myself to do it.
I was committed to something else. I was committed to discovering how I could be exactly who I was, give my Great Work and make plenty of money – all at the same time. No compromise.
So each time I found myself giving up my life for my work, I reconfigured. I let go. Even when it was really hard. I tried something new.
Over the years, I’ve tried out just about every business model out there for getting your world-changing work out to the people who need it while living a life of freedom and deep commitment to something greater.
It started with a bricks & mortar law practice working 80 hours a week and led into multiple online businesses focused on training lawyers and entrepreneurs. A best-selling book. A boatload of TV. The whole 9.
All along, I wondered … what is this all really about?
I knew I was here for a huge purpose and felt called to impact the world in a tremendous way, but couldn’t quite put my finger on how it all came together.
I knew it had to be something more than appearing on television programs that I began to see were polluting the world, not making it better.
Despite all of the exterior amazingness, inside it felt as if something major was missing and I refused to settle for anything less than complete alignment, inside and out.
Through it all, I maintained a firm commitment to the evolution of my soul, to discover my Great Work, and to figure out how to live a life of true freedom.
I finally get it.
Everything I’ve done – the deep internal work, the spiritual practice, the law stuff, the rapid business growth, the letting go again and again and again – it’s all been so I could figure out how to do it myself so I can now guide you to get your world-changing gifts into the world surrounded by a profitable, sustainable business model that allows you to be who you really are, live in your heart, make a big impact with your work.
What’s most exciting is that when I teach you what I’ve spent millions of dollars and 6 years to learn (which I’m doing free right here on this blog), you’ll never feel you have to compromise yourself in the name of business, money, or anything else.
You will find yourself with a business model that gives you the time, energy and resources to do your Great Work in the world and absolutely, positively love your life while you do it.
So, where to go from here?
Here are a few good options:
1. Subscribe to this blog by using the RSS feed, in which case Feedburner will update your reader or email you (which is what I recommend you request) every time I post;
2. Request my life and business growth kit (up there in the top right column) and receive 10 audio programs I recorded that will immediately have you on the path to the life you want and you’ll also receive my Eyes Wide Open Newsletter, where I take you even deeper behind the scenes into what it’s really like on the path of life and business integration; and
3. Read more about me and how I can work closely with you to align your Great Work with your life and your business.
4. Send me a Tweet.
5. Come hang out with me on Facebook.
6. Share this blog with your friends who know there is something more, have Great Work to share with the world and want to integrate their life and business around who they really are and the real reason they are here.