Slight Shift in Plans … Financial Freedom Hour Pilot Episode

A while back, I had a contest.  First, I showed you mine.  Then, you showed me yours.   And I was so inspired by what you shared, I wanted to coach each and every one of the contest winners.  So, I decided to host free coaching sessions for the winners.  But, there’s been a change in plans!

Instead of the free coaching sessions, I’m doing something much bigger that will benefit not only the contest winners, but all of you who have a big dream, much more.

On Thursday, November 6, I will be taping the pilot episode of the Financial Freedom Hour.  You can read more about it and apply to be one of my guests on the pilot here.  Now, here’s the thing, we’ve already gotten several people who have sent in applications to be on the pilot episode because I sent out an email about it to the subscribers of my Family Wealth Secrets online magazine earlier today.

But, if you were one of the contest winners from the “I’ll Show You Mine” contest, you have first priority, so make sure you go over to Family Wealth Secrets and read the instructions and email me so you can be on the pilot, get my help and promote yourself to hundreds (thousands?) of people who will tune in for the pilot.

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